(Ever notice that I upload quite a lot of swamp pictures here? What can I say? I've loved them since I was a child.)
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
This guy [Daizen] must have a terrible background, probably tried to escape all that trauma by moving to far east and becoming Buddhist etc., the classic story. It's ok as long as one does not try and contaminate beautiful Zen with a messed up mind. Avoid this book especially if you're a new Zen learner as it will ruin the whole experience for you.There's something simultaneously amusing and infuriating about a self-professed Zenner who has no idea what a human being is. While I assume First Honoured Sangha is a sojourner, I've also met so-called "masters" who lack any greater insight.
The shock value is not so great, as I've been aware of the basic contents for sometime. Japan is an island and the Japanese are an insular people. The emphasis in their culture is group conformity. Zen is not the transformer of personality as it was once marketed, and it should not surprise us to learn that Zen leaders in Japan followed the lead of the Japanese government and Army into widespread war.The endemic racism and ethnocentrism of Western Zenners never ceases to dumbfound me. It's not just that we dissuade those of African or Hispanic or Arabic origin from joining us; we even freeze out Asians! With the exception of a dwindling handful of deified Asia-born teachers, you see damn few Asian faces in Western Zen centres.
What I don't like, is the way it is almost impossible to discuss [enthusiastic Buddhist participation in Japanese fascism] in the Zendo, and I've tried.Word.
As a Buddhist, it was a reminder that we must be ever looking at our own practice. Do read this book.
Mom belonged to a few garden clubs, and held most of the offices in them at one point or another. At show time, if they didn't get enough entries in a given class, they couldn't award a ribbon to any of those who did enter, so to prevent their efforts coming to nil, my mother would hastily stick something of her own in, to keep the category open.
Which "prop", more than once, took the entire class. To her eternal embarrassment, and the family's endless amusement.)