Thursday 4 July 2024

The Way

Master Dongguo asked Zhuangzi, "This thing called the Way – where does it exist?"

Zhuangzi said, "There's no place it doesn't exist."

"Come," said Master Dongguo, "you must be more specific!"

"It is in the ant."

"As low as that?"

"It is in the panic grass."

"But that's lower still!"

"It is in the tiles and shards."

"How can it be so low?"

"It is in the piss and shit."

(From Zhuangzi: Basic Writings, translated and with commentary by Burton Watson.)

(Photo courtesy of Donald Giannatti and

Wednesday 3 July 2024

WW: Native rhodendron

(Rhododendron macrophyllum, the Pacific rhododendron, is the state flower of Washington. In late spring it bursts out in the grey-green twilight of the North Coast jungle, where its pale pink blossoms seem to glow above the undergrowth. When my mom was in high school, kids in her small Puget Sound town used to cut truckloads of these from the forests along the bay, to fill the gym for prom.

Open in a new tab for greater impact.)

Appearing also on My Corner of the World.