Wednesday 30 March 2011

Street Level Zen: Tuesday Night Kyôsaku

Spring comes to the
leeward garden

"The only appropriate attitude for Man to have about the big questions is doubt."
Bill Mahrer


  1. perhaps I'm just dense when it comes to these computadoras but I can't figure how to leave you this note other than by commenting on your latest entry...

    you asked me about the song "Root Hog or Die" --

    ian March 29, 2011 at 3:18 pm
    hey Robin, nice to hear from way out Washington way —

    my youtube movie of this song ( will recommend other useful folks performing this tune for view on youtube along the sidebar.

    my tune for it is based on a fiddle tune version you can find in “ryan’s mammoth collection.” I don't know if you read them little dots that they code music up in but "ryan's" is a really great old-time collection of tunes from the late 1800's, reprinted by mel bay: i see a copy of it for sale at ('s+mammoth&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=18137262376305705087&sa=X&ei=lS-STZ7HKeW10QGIio3NBw&ved=0CCUQ8wIwAw#ps-sellers)

    Also I wrangled the song together with help from sheet music from the library of congress’ invaluable site: (

    bye the bye, in your pioneer cabin graffitti -- the Sound they refer to is Puget? Or something else?

  2. Oh yeah. Around here, there's just one sound, and it's called The Sound. There's also one mountain, called The Mountain.

    Thanks for the response!

