Thursday, 29 July 2021
Koan Practice
My practice tends to veer back and forth between sitting and teachings, and acting and responding. Sometimes mostly one, sometimes the other.
External phenomena are the deciding factor; classic zazen requires specific conditions that I can't consistently guarantee, given my economic status. But I console myself that the effectiveness of zazen alone famously fails to survive triangulation.
Sure, you're Dogen himself when you're shut up in that little room, with no immediate fears and no pressing needs. But what happens when you don't rule the universe? How does your Zen fare in the real one?
You know, the one outside your skull.
The one beyond your teacher's control.
The one that doesn't give a damn about your twee little Zen practice.
This test, cœnobitic Zen often fails.
I still prefer classic meditation practice, and if I had the choice would do nothing else. (So... I'm lucky I don't...?)
All of which came to mind when this article by Carol Kuruvilla – in the Huffington Post, of all things – washed up on the beach. I haven't recently been permitted to steep in koanic literature, not with the steady, stable discipline I prefer. And this article reminded me of that.
The five chosen koans, drawn from the ancestral record, remain as provocative as ever. And the commentary – an important component of eremitical koan practice – is excellent. (Note that one respondent is even a civilian. Welcome innovation.)
So I'm sharing it here.
Newcomers will find the most effective approach is to take just one koan, without commentary, and sit with it for at least a day. (Meaning you carry it around in your head, even when you're not literally sitting, returning to the written koan a few times to refresh the impression. Avoid that scriptural thing where you obsess over the words and try to pry meaning out of them. That's not this.)
You can keep this up for as long as you like. Monastery monks, studying under teachers who claim the right to "certify" their insight, have been known to contemplate one koan for 20 years.
But whatever your case (no pun intended), the next step is to read the commentary and compare it to your own notions. The formal commentary in the ancient literature is itself usually so brief and cryptic as to amount to another koan, implying another sustained cerebral simmer. Modern takes are generally just explications, either "this is what the old master meant" or "this is what it means to me". But both styles are worthwhile, and useful for practice.
When you feel you've chewed that bone enough, move on to the next.
And remember: every time you read a koan is the first. You could probably base a lifetime practice on just these five, rotating back to the first when you've done with the last.
Any road, I offer this hot lead to the Nation of Seekers, with fraternal regard.
(Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and a generous photographer.)
hermit practice,
Huffington Post,
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
WW: Blinded sphinx moth
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Remembering Ango
Today's top headline:
"Free-range Buddhist Eaten By
Health-Conscious Cougar."
– Haiku written eleven years ago, in anticipation of my 100 Days on the Mountain.
(Photo of Katsushika Hokusai painting courtesy of the British Museum and Wikimedia Commons.)
100 Days on the Mountain,
The Rusty Ring Art Gallery
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
WW: Pacific treefrog

(This is Pseudacris regilla again. He's appeared here in the past, but this one is about the size of my thumbnail, part of a crowd of like-sized peers teeming in the high grass around the pond. Apparently the product of this year's hatch.)
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Street Level Zen: Dependent Co-arising
« Ce qu'il faut de saleté pour faire une fleur! »
Félix Leclerc
(English translation here.)
(Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and a generous photographer.)
dependent co-arising,
Félix Leclerc,
langue française,
Street Level Zen
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
WW: Oak apple
(I found this large round growth, which when dry closely resembles a dried gourd, on a garry oak [Quercus garryana] at the Fort Eaton monument. It's an immunoreaction to the larvae of a tiny parasitic wasp, and is one of hundreds of these ping-pong-to-tennis-ball-sized globes that litter the branches and ground in the oak grove there.
When dried, oak apples yield a brown powder that's almost pure tannin, and was an important industrial resource in times past. Apart from tanning and dyeing, it was an essential ingredient of most quality ink produced from the invention of the pen through the 19th century. Iron gall ink continues to outperform many modern competitors, and is still used by calligraphers, among others.)
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
When dried, oak apples yield a brown powder that's almost pure tannin, and was an important industrial resource in times past. Apart from tanning and dyeing, it was an essential ingredient of most quality ink produced from the invention of the pen through the 19th century. Iron gall ink continues to outperform many modern competitors, and is still used by calligraphers, among others.)
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
Thursday, 8 July 2021
Rock Groups 2021
Ah, July. That glorious month when northern Zen loosens up and Rusty Ring vacates from seriousness.
Seriously. I look forward to this.
And each year our flagship foolery is the annual Rock Group Survey, in which I gather up all of the group names that the gods have revealed to me since my last Cortex dump.
The rules have not changed. They are:
» That all names here-under are available to any taker. I hereby repudiate all ownership, and offer them freely to anybody who wants one or more for any reason.
» That such takers must however verify via thorough search of the Information Superhighway that in fact no existing group currently fights under the desired name, as I have not already done so. (notresponsible fordukkhaduetopreviousownershipofnamesorconceptswriterisnotanintellectualpropertylawyernoranintellectualnorpropertynoralawyeralwaystakeeverythingyoureadonlineoranywhereelsewithacaskofsaltyourenlightenmentisyourresponsibilitynotliableforkarmicconsequencesresultingfromassumingIwaswiserthanyouareseriouslyareyoublindaswellasstupid?)
» That any group assuming one of my identities is entitled to claim they were personally bestowed same by a Zen hermit monk, who will for his part back up any further legend concocted in connexion with the aforementioned claim.
As ever, where entries include parenthetical commentary on possible genres, that's just me talkin'. You want it, you take it. No questions asked, no takings tasked.
So hey, summer's a-wastin'! Dive in, dude!
Rock Groups 2021
Caman (Scottish rock)
Glastonbury Thorn (British folkrock)
Serpent Zed
The Sea Monkeys
Runnin' Jump
Bitten Kitten
The Big Happy
The Murder Hornets (a bit shamed I didn't come up with this before there was an actual thing called that)
Mission Creep
Peña Ajena
Bad Bread
Wally Cleaver and the Dam-Rats
Gelatinous Mass (in Gothic lettering with Catholic imagery)
Gary Seven and the Timewarp
Egress Window
The Surfin' TERFs (grrrl group)
The Sandpapers (punk take on the Sandpipers)
The Cul de Sac Kids
Rory Chesterfield and the Lowboys
(Photo courtesy of Bekir Dönmez and
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
WW: On the Black River
(Fishing with my nephew. Open in a new window or tab to see it better.)
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
Appearing also on My Corner of the World.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Responsibility Kyôsaku
"Do not emulate others' wrongdoing. See to your own virtue."
(Photo courtesy of Jay Castor and
(Photo courtesy of Jay Castor and
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