Wednesday 27 October 2021

WW: Bikecombed skeleton

(One thing I love about biking, rarely celebrated by those who sing its praises, is the stuff you find by the side of the road while doing it. An astonishing variety of wealth flies off the traffic speeding by, including, at last count, about half the tools now in my shop.

In this respect, bicycling helps to fill the gap left by the loss of ready access to a beach.

Another case in point: this portable apocalyptic horseman, discovered
par terre last week while pumping up a long hill.

Which serves me well, because though I always candle Smiling Jack each year, I've never had any other decorations. So now there's a skeleton hanging on my door. Rather like a Christmas wreath, except, uh… bonier.)

Appearing also on My Corner of the World.


  1. Since I am originally from Holland, biking was my transportation, until I married someone who had a car:):) But in the USA it's harder, since cars don't give bikers a place on the road. Have a happy biking Wednesday!

  2. That is a bit smaller that the one I have a photo of on a penny farthing. Might use it on WW

  3. There's no doubt that American drivers are rather spoiled, and it shows. And I'd love to see a full-sized skeleton on a penny-farthing. (What else would they ride?)
