Wednesday 27 July 2022

WW: Windfall

(Found this brand-new pair of bike gloves beside the highway today, about 30 yards apart. My size and everything.

Normally, when this happens on a bike trail, I leave the lost article where it is, or hang it up in a prominent place for the owner to find. But you can't leave stuff on the road shoulder; passing cars quickly reduce it to rubbish. And, as is often the case on roadsides, there was no effective place to display these. Finally, when you lose something on a trail, you can retrace it, if you judge the time and effort well-spent. But on the road system, you're turning right and left and things get complicated fast.

And these aren't the most expensive gloves, to say no more. Had I lost them, I'd probably not re-ride a long trek, if I even noticed they were gone.

Sometimes you just have to accept the unearned blessings of futility.

May my involuntary benefactor profit from the karma points accrued.)

Appearing also on My Corner of the World.


  1. Great to find something unexpected, that you can use:)
